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Our Classes
Theatre School 3rd-6th: Literature Theatre
with A. Chris Barton
This course is for students who are currenty/about to be in the 3rd through 6th grade. Please note start time change: Class is now 4:20pm-5:20pm.
Learn the art of turning our favorite books into an interactive script fit for the stage. Create dialogue, transform characters, and build relationships through dynamic movement.
Theatre School K-2nd: Dance
with Emma Evenson
This course is for students who are currenty/about to be in Kinder through 2nd grade. Please note start time change: Class is now 4:20pm-5:20pm.
This course is a great building block to theatre, and intro to dance! We will be focusing on learning expression in dance, strengthening our musicality in our bodies, and having fun moving! This course is adaptable for students of all abilities, please just inform of any specific needs your student may have so we can be accessible.
Pre-K Creative Play
with MCT Team
Creative play is a natural form of learning for young children. Your 3- to 5-year old can participate in music and movement, puppetry and role playing while developing motor skills, understanding story structure and cooperating with instructors and peers.
Theatre School 3rd-6th: Dance Ensemble
with Carley Venter
This course is for students who are currenty/about to be in the 3rd through 6th grade. Please note start time change: Class is now 4:20pm-5:20pm.
A great beginner-level dance class that focuses on overall efficacy and cohesive storytelling within a group instead of solely individual ability. Students will learn dance terminology as well as ensemble-building techniques. A great class to take with friends!